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Not all websites are lead-generating websites – generating leads is an art that requires relevant information and offers

“My website looks great…it flashes, blinks and plays music…but hasn’t generated any leads. Help!”

Generate leads through your website

If you do not sell your products or services online, the primary objective of having a website should be lead acquisition. Unfortunately, most websites are nothing more than an electronic brochure. They do little to engage prospects, encourage interaction or invite them into a discussion. They simply list services, talk about their philosophy, tell their history and keep their fingers crossed that a prospect will call. This is great way to lose a warm lead.

So, you’re saying to yourself, “that makes sense, but no one wants to be marketed to…how do I convince someone to give me his/her contact information?” The answer: information. Marketing online is all about educating your prospects and providing them with value. Information that can help them, information that can benefit them, information that can educate them. It can be a simple report, white paper or checklist, but not a sales pitch. When you focus on educating rather than selling, you build powerful relationships that will eventually lead to a sale and loyal customers.

So if you want help to design and build a lead generation website, Graphtek Interactive can help! From site design, white papers and reports to content and strategy we show you how to capture more opportunities.

Let Graphtek Interactive help you generate leads, increase profits and grow your business.

Contact Graphtek Interactive today to schedule your no-obligation consultation or call us now at (760) 341-4583.